Recently Determined Development Applications


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129 Bald Hill Road MACKSVILLE NSW 2447

Type of WorkLarge lot residential subdivision (8 lots)

ApplicantPetersen Consulting Group

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.229/2024

Date Lodged23/10/2024

Cost of Work$665,000.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Council

Determination Date29/01/2025

Bellwood Road NAMBUCCA HEADS NSW 2448

Type of WorkBellbird Estate Pty Ltd are currently completing a subdivision under DA 2015/099/06. This application proposes that the current Lots 114 and 115 under DA 2015/099/06 are subdivided further into 6 dwellings as per the proposed plans attached to this application. As part of this application, we will also submit a request to vary the minimum lot size standard under clause 4.6 of the Nambucca Local Environment Plan 2010

ApplicantABT Developments Pty Ltd

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.3/2025

Date Lodged10/02/2025

Cost of Work$1,900,000.00

Determination DetailsApplication Rejected

Determination Date10/02/2025

466 Congarinni Road North CONGARINNI NORTH NSW 2447

Type of WorkEstablish amenities to support hygienic and safe practices for berry pickers on a farm property located in Nambucca Valley. These amenities are required to comply with fresh care regulations set by the relevant authorities . We will be installing 2 portable toilets and 2 shower on concrete pillars. A separate application is already with council for the new Septic tank installation but were advised to first submit another DA for building of the Toilets which will connect to the septic tank

ApplicantDPIE no match

CertifierNambucca Shire Council

Application No.274/2024

Date Lodged

Cost of Work$15,000.00

Determination DetailsApplication Rejected

Determination Date16/01/2025

237 Coronation Road CONGARINNI NORTH NSW 2447

Type of WorkModification - Dwelling - Amend BASIX to remove woodfire heater

ApplicantPivot Designs and Drafting

CertifierNambucca Valley Council

Application No.88/2023

Date Lodged16/01/2025

Cost of Work$511,500.00

Determination DetailsModification Supported

Determination Date29/01/2025

10 Edgewater Drive NAMBUCCA HEADS NSW 2448

Type of Work2 Lot Torrens Title Subdivision and Two Dwellings

ApplicantThe Trustee for Cromack Family Trust & Others

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.270/2024

Date Lodged05/12/2024

Cost of Work$897,957.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Delegation

Determination Date21/01/2025

193 Florence Wilmont Drive NAMBUCCA HEADS NSW 2448

Type of WorkShed

ApplicantFernleigh Drafting

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.282/2024

Date Lodged18/12/2024

Cost of Work$38,433.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Council

Determination Date29/01/2025

3 Galah Grove NAMBUCCA HEADS NSW 2448

Type of WorkRetaining walls x2

ApplicantCrescent Projects Pty Ltd

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.248/2024

Date Lodged30/10/2024

Cost of Work$46,800.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Council

Determination Date03/02/2025

3 Galah Grove NAMBUCCA HEADS NSW 2448

Type of WorkSwimming pool

ApplicantNexus Pools Coffs Harbour Pty Ltd

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.275/2024

Date Lodged04/12/2024

Cost of Work$88,000.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Delegation

Determination Date16/01/2025

5 Giidany Close MACKSVILLE NSW 2447

Type of WorkWITHDRAWN - Construction of residential dwelling with attached granny flat and garage

ApplicantNewcastle Quality Constructions P/L

CertifierNambucca Shire Council

Application No.28/2025

Date Lodged

Cost of Work$678,970.00

Determination DetailsWithdrawn

Determination Date13/02/2025

566 Gumma Road GUMMA NSW 2447

Type of WorkProposed continued use of a class 10 structure as a class 1 secondary dwelling

ApplicantGreen Frog Design & Drafting

CertifierNambucca Shire Council

Application No.1/2025

Date Lodged

Cost of Work$39,000.00

Determination DetailsApplication Rejected

Determination Date10/02/2025

19 Hill Street SCOTTS HEAD NSW 2447

Type of WorkDwelling Additions & Deck

ApplicantMr J Johnston

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.284/2024

Date Lodged16/12/2024

Cost of Work$165,000.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Delegation

Determination Date04/02/2025

44 Kookaburra Lane BOWRAVILLE NSW 2449

Type of WorkSubdivision of existing Lot 2 into two lots as shown on attached plans. Closure of unmade road from southern property boundary to northern property boundary

ApplicantMrs DC Hawkins

CertifierNambucca Shire Council

Application No.4/2025

Date Lodged10/02/2025

Cost of Work$5,000.00

Determination DetailsApplication Rejected

Determination Date10/02/2025

3 Little Tamban Road EUNGAI CREEK NSW 2441

Type of WorkLivestock processing industry (Pet foods)

ApplicantT.L Page & P.J Weatherhead

CertifierNambucca Valley Council

Application No.287/2024

Date Lodged18/12/2024

Cost of Work$242,000.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Council

Determination Date31/01/2025

255 Newee Creek Road NEWEE CREEK NSW 2447

Type of WorkEarthworks and Retaining Walls - Modification

ApplicantMr K W Wison

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.36/2024

Date Lodged16/01/2025

Cost of Work$65,000.00

Determination DetailsModification Supported

Determination Date04/02/2025

255 Newee Creek Road NEWEE CREEK NSW 2447

Type of WorkConstruction of two single story dwellings.

ApplicantMr K W Wison

CertifierNambucca Shire Council

Application No.176/2024

Date Lodged10/02/2025

Cost of Work$1,341,042.00

Determination DetailsApplication Rejected

Determination Date10/02/2025

773 North Arm Road ARGENTS HILL NSW 2449

Type of WorkThe owner wishes to change the use of the approved and lawfully erected dwelling from a rural workers dwelling to a dwelling house. No buildng works are required

ApplicantAmos & McDonald Surveyors

CertifierNambucca Shire Council

Application No.271/2024

Date Lodged

Cost of Work$500.00

Determination DetailsApplication Rejected

Determination Date16/01/2025

Soldier Settlers Road NEWEE CREEK NSW 2447

Type of WorkDwelling House

ApplicantMrs LA Hall

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.279/2024

Date Lodged18/12/2024

Cost of Work$397,438.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Delegation

Determination Date16/01/2025

10 Sunrise Close SCOTTS HEAD NSW 2447

Type of WorkAlterations and additions to existing dwelling

ApplicantSalt Building Co Pty Ltd

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.289/2024

Date Lodged20/12/2024

Cost of Work$250,000.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Council

Determination Date30/01/2025

20 Taylors Arm Road UPPER TAYLORS ARM NSW 2447

Type of WorkPrimary & Secondary Dwelling - Deck in stage 1 remainder in stage 2

ApplicantMrs L A Hall

CertifierNambucca Valley Council

Application No.87/2018

Date Lodged05/02/2025

Cost of Work$150,000.00

Determination DetailsModification Supported

Determination Date06/02/2025

222 Upper Warrell Creek Road CONGARINNI NSW 2447

Type of WorkDemolition of existing rear deck, construction of Roofed deck, pool, garage & carport

ApplicantGreen Frog Design & Drafting

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.285/2024

Date Lodged16/12/2024

Cost of Work$163,000.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Delegation

Determination Date21/01/2025

116 Wallace Street MACKSVILLE NSW 2447

Type of WorkTwo lot subdivision, demolition of garage and erection of carport

ApplicantGreen Frog Design & Drafting

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.265/2024

Date Lodged26/11/2024

Cost of Work$30,000.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Delegation

Determination Date23/01/2025

20 Waratah Street SCOTTS HEAD NSW 2447

Type of WorkDemolition of existing house & construction of new dwelling

Applicantg2 architects PTY LTD

CertifierTo Be Advised

Application No.283/2024

Date Lodged18/12/2024

Cost of Work$1,972,000.00

Determination DetailsApproved - Delegation

Determination Date29/01/2025